14 April 2016 | News
Schiphol Area Development Company (SADC) and foundation Green IT Amsterdam recently started a collaboration. They join forces to work together to expand the datacenter hotspot around Schiphol Airport. This unique collaboration will create an efficient and a high level sustainable datacenter ecosystem. It is examined whether the current datacenter hotspot Schiphol can be expanded by developing a dedicated Green Datacenter Campus at Schiphol Trade Park.
Green Datacenter Hotspots
SADC develops high-quality work locations on the west axis of Amsterdam. Around Schiphol airport is the datacenter hotspot has grown to an ecosystem of datacenters with excellent connectivity. Schiphol Trade Park is offering room for further growth in the hotspot and the sustainability of the datacenter sector could be lifted to a higher level. Along with Green IT Amsterdam, this leads to a broad-based transition to a far-reaching implementation of best practices and innovative methods in terms of efficiency, renewable energy and circular economy. The aim is to facilitate groundbreaking initiatives such stable integration of renewable energy and heat exchange.
Cooperation with Green IT Amsterdam is fitting within the SADC strategy, according to Jeanet van Antwerpen (director SADC):
“We are working hard on the development of circular work locations in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.. Data streams are increasingly the drivers of the economy. A Green Data Center Campus thus fits well with the aspirations of SADC. ”
The project approach will help to ensure that the expected future demand for space for sustainable datacenters in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Thanks to the excellent connectivity Amsterdam has been a popular establishment place for datacenters. It is expected that the datacenter industry, with the strengthening of sustainable infrastructure around the hotspots (Science Park, Amstel / Southeast and Schiphol Airport), is increasingly going to strengthen its role as the driving force of the digital economy in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.
Green IT Amsterdam director Jake Vlasveld about the cooperation:
“The participants of Green IT Amsterdam have much knowledge in the field of sustainable datacenters, and SADC is progressive in sustainable area development. We are proud to have taken the initiative to integrated these two themes to strengthen Amsterdam as a smart city with green datacenter hotspots now.”