19 June 2019 | News
On 14 June 2019, KWS Infra started to prepare the site for construction at Schiphol Trade Park. To see what it looks like, watch the film by KWS here (in Dutch).
KWS applies the principles of a circular economy as far as possible. The use of new materials is kept to a minimum and purchased materials are produced as sustainably as possible. An example is the use of 100% recycled asphalt produced using the Highly Ecologic Recycling Asphalt System (HERA) and the use of concrete flooring incorporating elephant grass. All diesel machinery used during the construction process will run on the cleanest CO2 Saving Diesel.
In combination, the planned measures ensure that the impact on the environment is extremely low, which contributes to the ambitions of SADC, as well as KWS’s ambition for sustainability: 100% circular infrastructure.