SADC (Schiphol Area Development Company N.V.) develops high quality, accessible, (inter)nationally competitive business locations on the WESTAS logistics corridor in Amsterdam. SADC was established in 1987 by public and private sector parties eager to utilise the economic potential of the city and airport by joining forces and hence to strengthen the region’s competitive position both domestically and internationally.
SADC has four equal shareholders (each holding 25%): the Municipality of Haarlemmermeer, the City of Amsterdam, the Province of Noord-Holland and Schiphol Group.
Business model
In addition to financial returns through the sale and temporary use of land, SADC generates social returns in the form of:
- Creating jobs
- Contributing to the transition to a circular economy
- Strengthening the region’s competitive position
View the SADC Sustainability Finance Framework here, which consists of the Green Bond Principles and Social Bond Principles established by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).
Course changers
The societal and economic context in which SADC pursues its objectives is like a fast moving river, where a boulder sometimes changes the course of the flow. SADC is undertaking action on three important course changers.
- The transition from a linear to a circular economy
- The steadily increasing digitisation and its impact on how we work and live
- The way businesses attempt to remain innovative and competitive. This is apparent from how businesses today are collaborating: increasingly across sectors and through business ecosystems